
Our Services

We offer a range of health & safety services

Transport & Logistics

The transport industry is a dynamic industry and this presents unique health and safety challenges.  We understand your industry and keep up to date with technology, regulation and the market in general. SafeSense has specific expertise in transport and warehousing, developed over the last 10 years working with wharf cartage, general freight distribution and warehousing. We can help with:

  • Policies and procedures
  • Traffic management plans
  • Risk assessments for specific freight, tasks or customers
  • Supplier agreements

Chain of Responsibility

Parties in the chain of responsibility for heavy vehicles have a primary duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of their transport activities. The first step to comply with this duty is to understand what your transport activities are. We specialise in Heavy Vehicle National Law safety and compliance through our partner business CoR Comply. In it’s most simple form, ask yourself ‘what does my business do that can impact the safety of drivers and other road users?’. That’s the starting point to identify your transport activities hazards, risks and risk controls.

Executives have a safety duty to ensure their organisation has systems and resources in place to comply with the primary duty and executives must take reasonable steps to ensure those systems and resources they put in place are implemented and effective – that’s executive due diligence.

Contact us for accurate and factual advice on the obligations of parties in the chain of responsibility.

Transport Sub-Contractor Compliance

Where you are using sub-contractors to do work on your behalf, you have obligations under the OHS Act and National Heavy Vehicle Laws to ensure this work is done safely as far as you manage or control.

We can help with systems to manage sub-contractor compliance.

Supplier Agreements

Supplier Agreements are becoming more demanding and complex, often requiring a raft of health and safety and chain of responsibility documentation. We have prepared documentation and have helped clients respond to these requests with a minimum of fuss.

Had a visit from WorkSafe?

WorkSafe inspectors can visit your workplace at any time. They may visit as a result of an anonymous complaint, because they happen to be in the area and see something of your operation that gets their attention, or from a program targeting your area or industry.  We can help with compliance with any Improvement Notice you may be issued with and we can deal with WorkSafe to have the compliance date extended, or appeal the Notice if we identify grounds to do so.

Rapid growth in your business?

When businesses experience periods of rapid growth, production increases, extra staff are employed - it's all hands on deck. Working in the business doesn't allow you time to work on the business. Human Resources and safety systems don't grow at the same time. But more people and more production means you're exposed to more risk.

SafeSense Workplace Safety can:

  • Be your on-site safety advisor and get your systems in place while you focus on running your business
  • Work with your resources to provide expert advise and assistance to get the foundations in place and get you on your way to implementing a safety system that suits the size of your business and your risks

It's more cost effective to use an experienced consultant than to employ a less experienced safety practitioner - just ask our clients!

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